The teachers, both retreats
Clare Blanchflower

Clare invites you to rest as openness and receive the fullness of your Self, here now. She speaks with clarity, warmth and honesty about the profound unfolding of awakening and subtle perception, and supports the living embodiment of self-realization as it blossoms into the wholeness of Being. Her expression is shared directly from silent Being. She sparks transformation through embodied presence and direct pointing while embracing the human nature with tenderness and compassion. She writes poetry and shares the joyful truth of Being in Satsang meetings, Body of Awareness classes, and in private sessions and retreats. She guides an open sangha in the Comox Valley, Vancouver Island, BC where she lives.

Della was struck by Oneness and its Unconditional Love in 2005. The Presence that took over from within made notions of personality, beliefs, and conditioning fade away, creating space for a wider range of experiences of Oneness and Perfection. An emergency room physician at that time, she saw surprising spontaneous healings happen around her. As judgments faded away gradually, it became obvious, though, that no experience was more precious than another. All was emerging from the simple movement of Life Itself. Della is now offering talks, healing circles and retreats, where she invites people to recognize the already perfect Intimacy within, and to realize our True Nature which is always here and now, without any conditions.
Dorothy Hunt

Dorothy is Spiritual Director of Moon Mountain Sangha, teaching at the request of Adyashanti. She has practiced psychotherapy since 1967 and is the founder of the San Francisco Center for Meditation and Psychotherapy. Self-inquiry, as taught by Ramana Maharshi, led to the first of a series of awakenings. In meeting Adyashanti, she was invited to see beyond identifications with either the Absolute or the relative. She is the author of Leaves from Moon Mountain, Only This!; contributing author to The Sacred Mirror, Listening from the Heart of Silence, and the on-line journal Undivided; and one of the teachers featured in the book, Ordinary Women, Extraordinary Wisdom. She offers satsang, retreats, and private meetings in the San Francisco Bay area and elsewhere by invitation.
Gail Brenner

Gail is a clinical psychologist who joyfully helps people discover that suffering is optional—and a lover of truth with a fire that burns brightly. She is the author of The End of Self-Help and At the Core of Every Heart: Reflections, Insights, and Practices for Waking Up and Living Free. Gail has worked with clients and groups for over 20 years, bringing laser-like clarity to the confusion of common human problems, such as reactive emotions, feelings of personal inadequacy, and relationship struggles. She offers the loving presence that invites people into harmony with all of life. To learn more, please visit where you'll find hundreds of articles, guided audio meditations, and videos.
Gina Lake

In 1999, Gina had a spiritual awakening and has since written numerous books about awakening to one's true nature. Her books include From Stress to Stillness, Trusting Life, Embracing the Now, Radical Happiness, Ten Teachings for One World, Living in the Now, Return to Essence, Loving in the Moment, Anatomy of Desire, and Getting Free. She is also a gifted intuitive with a master's degree in counseling psychology and over twenty years experience supporting people in their spiritual growth. Gina lives in Sedona, Arizona with her husband, Nirmala, who is also a spiritual teacher in the nondual tradition. Gina's website offers information about her books and courses as well as free e-books, book excerpts, a monthly newsletter, a blog, and audio and video recordings:
Grace Bubeck

A psychologist (MSc), philosopher (PhD), and certified massage therapist by professional training and work history, I left a first career in academia at the London School of Economics to become a body-mind therapist and a personal development and meditation teacher. My healing journey branched out into an intense spiritual search until I found my teacher Gangaji. She took the wind out of the sails of searching and the drama of ‘me and my life’. Awakening is deepening as I’m finding a way of living it in this life. I offer in person therapy, counseling, and spiritual mentoring, meditation evenings and retreat days, and small online satsang groups. I’ve written a book on ‘Deepening into Love: the wounded healer’s journey’ (forthcoming).
Jac O'Keeffe

Jac’s life changed dramatically when she experienced a spontaneous inner awakening in 1997. Her quest, which included nine years of intense spiritual practice, ultimately led to That, which is beyond the mind and transcends dualistic thought. Her publications include Born to be Free (book), and the informative DVDs Going Nowhere, and Going Nowhere – The Building Blocks of Consciousness. Jac has established and moderates a Virtual Satsang Community™ called FliHi which operates through her website. FliHi offers support and teachings to advanced spiritual seekers. Jac now lives in Florida, facilitating spiritual meetings and dialogues in Europe and North America.
John Prendergast

John J. Prendergast, PhD, is the author of In Touch: How to Tune in to the Inner Guidance of Your Body and Trust Yourself (Sounds True, 2015), a retired adjunct professor of psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies, and the senior editor of The Sacred Mirror (with P. Fenner and S. Krystal) and Listening From the Heart of Silence (with K. Bradford). He is also Editor-in- Chief of Undivided: The Online Journal of Nonduality and Psychology at He is in private practice in San Rafael, Ca. and offers periodic public talks, workshops, daylong & residential retreats. He studied for many years with the European Advaita master, Jean Klein, and with Adyashanti.
Jon Bernie

Jon, author of Ordinary Freedom, is a contemporary spiritual teacher who offers a compassionate, heart-centered approach to awakening. His teaching focuses on returning the attention to the already enlightened state that lies at the core of our human experience. He has four decades of practice and study in the Zen, Theravada Buddhist and Advaita traditions, and was formally asked to teach by Adyashanti in 2002. Jon is also an experienced healer and teacher of somatic embodiment, trained in the Alexander Technique, Zero Balancing, and the Qigong system of Dr. Yu Penxi. He works closely and intimately with individuals to facilitate consciousness development and deep emotional healing.
Lisa Schumacher

Lisa is driven by the desire for all to have the opportunity to attend Satsang and discover for themselves that it is possible to realize the source of fulfillment, peace, and living love, right now. At a time of profound disillusionment with life and relationships, she met Gangaji who said, “Be your Natural Self.” Upon hearing this, Lisa fell into a deep bow of surrender, having finally been welcomed Home to her own heart just as she is. Several years ago, Gangaji asked Lisa to meet with others and share this alive and true secret that is no longer a secret; it is the Living Truth of your Being.
Marlies Cocheret de la Morinière

Marlies Cocheret, MA, born and raised in The Netherlands.
With love, directness, and humor, Marlies invites our spirituality down from the clouds right into this human body experience. For more than 25 years she has been ushering seekers into the mysteries of living the divine in the body. She has been offering satsangs and retreats since 2000 when Adyashanti asked her to teach. Marlies works as a spiritual teacher, psychologist, a certified Hakomi therapist and a certified tantric educator. She works internationally as well as in her hometown Santa Cruz, CA. She loves to work with people in the deep process of truth. Marlies is interviewed in Ordinary Women, Extraordinary Wisdom by R.M. Robinson.
With love, directness, and humor, Marlies invites our spirituality down from the clouds right into this human body experience. For more than 25 years she has been ushering seekers into the mysteries of living the divine in the body. She has been offering satsangs and retreats since 2000 when Adyashanti asked her to teach. Marlies works as a spiritual teacher, psychologist, a certified Hakomi therapist and a certified tantric educator. She works internationally as well as in her hometown Santa Cruz, CA. She loves to work with people in the deep process of truth. Marlies is interviewed in Ordinary Women, Extraordinary Wisdom by R.M. Robinson.

After a lifetime of spiritual seeking, Nirmala met his teacher, Neelam, a devotee of H.W.L. Poonja (Papaji). She convinced him that seeking wasn't necessary; and after experiencing a profound spiritual awakening in India, he began offering satsang and Nondual Spiritual Mentoring with Neelam's blessing. Satsang is offered as a celebration of the possibility, in every moment, of recognizing the truth of who we are. Nirmala offers a unique vision and a gentle, compassionate approach, which adds to this rich tradition of inquiry into the truth of Being.
Padma Wolff

Until satsang came into my life in the mid 1990s, the best thing I had found was psychotherapy. I had just started studying psychology – and almost dropped it, when the freedom revealed through satsang with Papaji made it seem superfluous at first. But then I found myself still falling back into old subconscious patterns of suffering. It was with Eli Jaxon Bear, the Enneagram and Leela Therapy that the patterns were seen through, and I re-discovered the use of psychotherapeutic tools, now in the service of awakening. A Leela Therapist since 1999 (with a Masters in psychology and a thesis on Satsang and Psychotherapy), I have a private practice in Hamburg (Germany). I also teach meditation and self-inquiry, and have co-founded the Bodhisattva School with my partner Torsten Bruegge.
Richard Miller

Richard Miller, PhD, author of The iRest Program for Healing Trauma, and iRest Meditation for Health, Resiliency and Well-Being, offers trainings and retreats that integrate the practical teachings and wisdom of Eastern and Western spirituality and psychology, and the latest findings on the neuroscience of meditation. He is president of the Integrative Restoration Institute, co-founder of the International Association of Yoga Therapy, and past president of the Institute for Spirituality and Psychology. Richard also serves as a research consultant studying the efficacy of the Integrative Restoration – iRest meditation protocol he’s developed with populations including military, students, and the homeless, with issues including sleep, PTSD, TBI, pain, chemical dependency, and well-being.
Scott Kiloby

“There is nothing sweeter than seeing the emptiness of all things.”
This is what Scott's work is all about. Scott is the author of “Love’s Quiet Revolution: The End of the Spiritual Search,” “Reflections of the One Life: Daily Pointers to Enlightenment,” Living Realization: Your Present Experience As It Is,” and The Living Inquiries. He is also the creator of a new addiction/recovery method called Natural Rest for Addiction along with an effective tool for dissolving addiction called the Compulsion Inquiry. He is the director of the Kiloby Center for Recovery: Scott’s main site is It is a portal to all of Scott’s sites and online material.
This is what Scott's work is all about. Scott is the author of “Love’s Quiet Revolution: The End of the Spiritual Search,” “Reflections of the One Life: Daily Pointers to Enlightenment,” Living Realization: Your Present Experience As It Is,” and The Living Inquiries. He is also the creator of a new addiction/recovery method called Natural Rest for Addiction along with an effective tool for dissolving addiction called the Compulsion Inquiry. He is the director of the Kiloby Center for Recovery: Scott’s main site is It is a portal to all of Scott’s sites and online material.

Unmani is originally from the UK, but has lived a nomadic life in many countries around the world from the age of 18. Since she was a child, Unmani never identified with the role she seemed to be playing as a person living a life. However, she felt very lost and alone in a world that everyone else seemed to take so seriously. Unmani's main inspiration has come from Osho and Dolano. After years of searching to find a way out of pain, she met the German Zen master, Dolano in India. With her, Unmani recognized that what she had been searching for had always been right here. She woke up to the dream, time stopped and the search ended. Unmani began holding meetings and retreats around the world 3 years later She is the author of two books ‘I am Life itself’ and ‘Die to Love’ and is now writing a third book.