Messages from people who participated live in the first retreat
Hi Grace, it was a joy to meet you through this online conference! It was truly wonderful and it felt to me like a benediction of beautiful energies! I was especially moved by the sweet silent presence whenever you spoke. It was felt deeply here. I am so glad you have decided to leave the talks on you tube for the benefit of all of us.When I listen to your talks, whether you are simply speaking or taking us through a meditation, I feel a direct transmission of Presence itself! The Peace that is transmitted is palpable, goes straight to my heart, and I feel deeply blessed by it. I am grateful that you share in this way. It is a most precious gift. Thank you, Grace, for the beautiful sharing of your being with us.
Rosemary Cochran, Pismo Beach, California
Rosemary Cochran, Pismo Beach, California
Dear Grace, thank you so very much for offering this free on-line retreat. It is so generous of you to put your time and energy into this and offering it without charge. The energy field this retreat produces is very real and powerful. Also, thank you to Wendy for her behind the scenes work.
It is refreshing to finally hear teachers conveying that awakening is not the unrealistic experience we came to believe for so many years. As so many others, I believed that when one awakens they are suddenly perfected human beings untouched by the difficulties and challenges of life. It really was looking for a means of escape. It is so good to hear that every day people can have an awakening and to admit that we all still need to look at ourselves and our conditioned thoughts and behaviors….there is no getting around it. It is also a relief to come to an acceptance of ourselves just as we are. So now we can investigate our patterns rather than avoiding them.
I am thoroughly enjoying this course and look forward to the upcoming speakers.
With Much Gratitude,
Connie Bailey
It is refreshing to finally hear teachers conveying that awakening is not the unrealistic experience we came to believe for so many years. As so many others, I believed that when one awakens they are suddenly perfected human beings untouched by the difficulties and challenges of life. It really was looking for a means of escape. It is so good to hear that every day people can have an awakening and to admit that we all still need to look at ourselves and our conditioned thoughts and behaviors….there is no getting around it. It is also a relief to come to an acceptance of ourselves just as we are. So now we can investigate our patterns rather than avoiding them.
I am thoroughly enjoying this course and look forward to the upcoming speakers.
With Much Gratitude,
Connie Bailey
Dear Grace, I'm still watching the interview with Scott Kiloby….and want to give you the feedback that you are an excellent interviewer! Often I'll start watching an interview with someone and the personality of the one interviewing is so intense or overpowering that I end up turning it off. With you, there is such an organic gentleness and flow. Such a pleasure to meet an authentic, gentle and clear being.
Blessings and much gratitude
Blessings and much gratitude
Beautiful Grace - Thank-you so much - What a wonderful retreat - what beautiful people - how touched I am by you all, and by your generosity and vision. Have watched what I could, as I have a nine year old at home! Loved your interview with Marlies and John....The big heart in your background says it all!
All my love and gratitude,
All my love and gratitude,
Thank you for your generosity of spirit, and loving nature in giving so much of your time, love and effort to this incredibly wonderful retreat. I really cannot adequately express my gratitude, nor can I express to you how much I got out of it. It allowed me to hear people I would never had otherwise heard who were so incredibly great and fascinating. It allowed me to experience some feelings, sensations and awarenesses that I perhaps never otherwise would have experienced.
Allison Truelsen, Ithaca, NY
Allison Truelsen, Ithaca, NY
Wow- so beautiful your retreat- am listening to you and Unmani- such clarity and truth- you are shining- congratulations on this important event! Thanks for the Utubing- so important!
Helga Schleeh, Montreal, Canada
Helga Schleeh, Montreal, Canada
The situation I loved most was when things happened that were not planned - with the technology - and hearing you just being with what happened without much of a story - it really touched me... I realized that I followed a wrong leader in my head who told me that success is to make everything "right" . mind is trained this way... and it causes lots of fear....
The message which came from watching you, hearing you, was, that this is the most secure place at all - just stay with what is. and there is judgement... and that's a great challenge - especially when you offer something - with soooooo many people watching...thank you for these moments of inperfection... they have been so perfectly lovable.
And I am also so grateful for having experienced Unmani... so real, so direct, so much life.... thank U for offering this, Grace..
Angelina Englmeier, Germany
The message which came from watching you, hearing you, was, that this is the most secure place at all - just stay with what is. and there is judgement... and that's a great challenge - especially when you offer something - with soooooo many people watching...thank you for these moments of inperfection... they have been so perfectly lovable.
And I am also so grateful for having experienced Unmani... so real, so direct, so much life.... thank U for offering this, Grace..
Angelina Englmeier, Germany
Thank you so much for the retreat. Just what I needed. Had a very deep experience listening to many of the conversations.
I 'met' you in the beautiful last weekend healing retreat. I was so happy with it. I did get to know about it via Marlies Cocheret. I received so much and I felt so connected to you all. It was a great gift to meet you.
Thank you so much Grace for organizing this, Love from me,
Annelot, from Holland
Thank you so much Grace for organizing this, Love from me,
Annelot, from Holland
This was all so meaningful to me. I needed this re-connection at this time to what is most real and most important in my life. The sharing was so natural. A deep thank you for sending your love out into the world.
Maureen McNeil, Montreal, Canada
Maureen McNeil, Montreal, Canada
Thank you for this truly heart-awakening experience. I knew I would be in for a treat, and indeed I was.
Hi Grace thank you so much for all this! :-) I loved seeing and feeling your openings from time to time as you resonated with the speakers you were interviewing. Your smile, laughter and eyes were so amazing! Thank you for your insights, comments, and transmissions. You seemed to be a catalyst for very meaningful conversations with your guests. Thank you to all of them as well. It will be a while before all of this can really be assimilated as it was so much but I feel the difference in myself already. Thanks again.
Carl Youngbluth, Head of Chezzetcook, Nova Scotia, Canada
Carl Youngbluth, Head of Chezzetcook, Nova Scotia, Canada
Grace, thank you for having played your unique part bringing this together. Amazing. I came in with a curiosity and ended up enjoying it all. I thank the Tank for it all—for you and all participants.
Peace on you, and all and everyone.
Bernard Guy, Montreal, Canada
Peace on you, and all and everyone.
Bernard Guy, Montreal, Canada
Just want to thank you for so generously bringing the retreat to us, I can't imagine the hard work involved including all the technology to make it happen, you are doing a wonderful job of it all. To bring us a wide variety of teachers on this subject has been beneficial and thought provoking for me.
For the Sunday session it will be Monday morning here in Oz and disappointingly I will be at work and miss the rest of the retreat in the live format, I will endeavour to catch the rest of the retreat next weekend if the links are still up. (Hope so)
Will be thinking of you, the teachers and the retreat community, wishing you all the very best.
much love
Derek Milajew, Australia
For the Sunday session it will be Monday morning here in Oz and disappointingly I will be at work and miss the rest of the retreat in the live format, I will endeavour to catch the rest of the retreat next weekend if the links are still up. (Hope so)
Will be thinking of you, the teachers and the retreat community, wishing you all the very best.
much love
Derek Milajew, Australia
I just wanted to send a quick note to say thank you for this inspiring, organised and technologically skilled way of sharing the awakening message, it seems I have much to learn from you.
Rachelle Happylife, Sutton, Canada
Rachelle Happylife, Sutton, Canada